281-813-1063 Chickens & Hatching Eggs
281-813-1063 Chickens & Hatching Eggs
Silverudds are the only chicken breed that naturally lay a green egg. Egg color varies from a mint or teal green to a darker olive tone. Some eggs feature beautiful speckles!
Our Silverudds line is confirmed to carry the homozygous blue egg gene. Our rooster with this group is DNA tested homozygous and carries the double blue egg gene. This ensures that hens will not lay a tan or brown tone egg.
We have not tested all of our hens at this point for the blue egg gene - so even though you are guaranteed that your hens will not lay a brown egg - they may hatch homozygous or heterozygous. When you are establishing your flock - it is important that you DNA test your favorite rooster to ensure that your future off spring will not lay a brown tone egg.
Silverudds Blue were originally imported by Greenfire farms and our line is bred from that original import.
Silverudds Blue have genetic coding to produce three different feather colors. Your chicks may hatch...
Silverudds Blue Eggs
Silverudds Blue (Blue) chicks may hatch out in one solid shade or have darker areas, especially through the head, neck, back and wings. Color can range from light misty blue to medium steel blue to a deep indigo. Some Blues have lovely lacing (feathers are darker blue or black at the edges, creating a pattern like lace).
Silverudds Blue (Black) chicks hatch out mostly black with some white areas on the face, chest and wings. The white spots disappear as all-black feathers replace their fluff. Adults are raven-colored with varying degrees of shimmering teal iridescence. Hens should be solid black or may have some birchen in the hackles. Cocks may be solid black, but are usually adorned in shining birchen hackle and saddle feathers.
Silverudds Blue (Splash) chicks may hatch out pure white, creamy white or buttery white, however their splashing (white primary color with splashes of blue) begins to show within 1-2 weeks as they feather out. Hens are splash all over or may have a bit of birchen. Cocks may have white and/or blue feathering in the hackles and saddle or birchen.
All of our Silverudds Blue roosters are "Blue" with this group. We have two chicken colors: Blue and Splash. Your hatching eggs could produce blue, black, or splash chicks.
Black X Black = 100% Black
Splash X Splash = 100% Splash
Blue X Blue = 25% Black, 50% Blue, 25% Splash
Blue X Black = 50% Black, 50% Blue
Blue X Splash = 50% Blue, 50% Splash
Black X Splash = 100% Blue
Silverudds Blue