281-813-1063 Chickens & Hatching Eggs
281-813-1063 Chickens & Hatching Eggs
Thank you for choosing Blue Feather Farms for poultry and hatching eggs. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you again!
We do not offer any hatch rate guarantees or refunds on fertile hatching eggs or live shipments. Incubating eggs and shipping birds is a risk and the buyer bears the burden of this risk.
Our chickens have been recently tested and are Pullorum-Typhoid clean. A copy of our testing document and NPIP certification number will be included with all hatching eggs purchases.
We work hard on selective breeding to produce high quality, good tempered, and beautiful birds. Genetics are complicated and recessive genes can show up, out of nowhere, at any time. For this reason, I want to mention that you may get an odd egg or chick. You may get an unexpected color chick, or a chick with pigment gaps, etc. There is no such thing as show quality chicks or hatching eggs. You are buying the genes with the potential to produce a show quality bird.
Even if you breed only show quality parent birds, or only hatch the darkest eggs, there is no guarantee the offspring will be SQ or lay a specific egg color. This is expected even in the best of breeding programs. If you are not ok with this risk, please do not place an order.