281-813-1063 Chickens & Hatching Eggs
281-813-1063 Chickens & Hatching Eggs
Blue Laced Red Wyandottes are beautiful chickens that have a blue laced red color pattern. These hens lay beautiful brown eggs. Blue Laced Red Wyandottes have genetic coding to produce three different color offspring.
Blue: Beautiful charcoal gray color with red feather accents.
Black: These birds have deep red feathers with black lacing.
Splash: The dark gray feathers are replaced by a white/pale grey with rich red feather highlights.
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Chicken- Blue - Beautiful charcoal gray color with red feather accents.
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Chicken- Black - These birds have black under feathers with rich red feather highlights. Gorgeous green iridescence in the sunlight.
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Chicken- Splash - These birds have pale grey or white under feathers with rich red feather highlights. These are my personal favorite!
We have all three chicken colors: Blue, Black, and Splash. Your chicks could hatch blue, black, or splash.
Black X Black = 100% Black
Splash X Splash = 100% Splash
Blue X Blue = 25% Black, 50% Blue, 25% Splash
Blue X Black = 50% Black, 50% Blue
Blue X Splash = 50% Blue, 50% Splash
Black X Splash = 100% Blue
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte - Splash